A Word About the Artists: by Mimi Wolford, Director of the Mbari Institute for Contemporary African Art, Washington, D.C.

Assembling this show of 38 artists from 18 countries in Africa has been a work of love. I wish to thank all the artists who so generously worked with me, in some cases creating paintings especially for the exhibition. There is a preponderance of work from Nigeria and Ethiopia not only because I lived in both countries, but because there are so many artists in these countries. Bernice Kelly’s1993 book, Nigerian Artists: A Who’s Who & Bibliography documented 350 Nigerian artists who had had at least three important shows. Since that time, many more noteworthy artists have come on the scene, two of whom are included in this exhibition – Victor Ekpuk and Florence Adeyemi.

To view this online presentation of the exhibit's brochure, please use the navigation links at the top of the page. There are 38 pages, one for each artist represented in the Colors of Africa exhibit.