Ashiru Olatunde (1922- 1998) of Nigeria achieved great acclaim for his repousse aluminum panels. He was a ferrier who because of an injury had to change his vocation and first started working on this new medium by making small trinkets. Spurred on by success his pieces became larger and larger, some even becoming church doors. The sparkling quality caused by light hitting the raised details of the compositions and his interesting subject matter is captivating. He enjoyed depicting everyday life and fables from Yoruba lore. Going to Market shows two women on their way to sell their wares while two hunters are busy trying to roust animals from the trees. Trees are a signature for Ashiru as the leaves truly glimmer from the reflection of light. Egungun Festival, on the other hand, portrays masqueraders in two rows. They are larger than the people in the other panel because of their importance in society. Their presence is felt and the designs on their robes add to the majesty. Olatunde resided in Oshogbo, Nigeria until his untimely death in 1998.