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Aba Tours

Tour operator, with a focus on the arts, culture and people of Ghana. "Aba Tours does not show you Ghana from the window of a tour bus. With us, you meet the people on a personal level and participate in their daily life." [posted: Mar 04, 2004]

Art and Life in Africa Project

A companion web site to the Art and Life in Africa CD-ROM Project of the University of Iowa. The site contains an online version of the Teacher's Guide, a databank of 47 lesson plans, and profiles of 107 African Cultures and 27 Sub-Saharan African Countries. [posted: Mar 04, 2004]

H-AfrTeach discussion list

Welcome to H-AfrTeach, a network whose mission is to provide a stimulating forum for considering the possibilities and problems involved in teaching about Africa. It is intended for a wide audience, encompassing educators, students and others with an interest in teaching about Africa at all educational levels. [posted: Mar 04, 2004]

Africa Access Review

Online database contains reviews and annotations of over 900 materials on Africa. These critiques and descriptions were written by university professors, librarians, and teachers most of whom have lived in Africa and have graduate degrees in African Studies. Compiled and edited by Brenda Randolph for the Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland. [posted: Mar 04, 2004]

Resources for Teachers

From Boston University's African Studies Center. "The K-16 Education Outreach Program boasts a wide variety of grade level-specific and topic-specific lesson plans, resource guides, and learning activities for teaching Africa in the classroom." [posted: Mar 04, 2004]

Hollis Chatelain

Web site of quilter Hollis Chatelain. "The twelve years I lived in Africa have deeply influenced me. Six months after moving back to the United States, my longing for Africa was so great that I started to paint African images in order to put me back into the life I loved so much. I feel Americans should know more about the joy, harmony, and pride of the African people, rather than only hearing about the suffering and turmoil so commonly depicted in the media. I would like viewers to see my African imagery as a tribute to a people I truly admire and respect." [posted: Mar 04, 2004]

Antognoni Brunhoso

Painter Antognoni Brunhoso, originally from Angola, currently lives in the Netherlands. [posted: Mar 04, 2004]

Jonathan Mavua Lessor

Jonathan Lessor is a Nigerian painter. "My favourite subjects are often those in which most of the units or elements are not fixed but always in constant state of flux. There must be movement for it to arouse my interest." [posted: Mar 04, 2004]

Victor Ekpuk

Nigerian artist Victor Ekpuk. "My interest and challenge in creating art has been to use elements of ancient African art, especially the writing systems, to express contemporary experiences. Writing and graphic symbols are the main inspiration for my style. They greatly feed the love for expressing myself with these ancient forms, particularly those of Nsibidi, an indigenous African system of communication that employs graphic signs, as well as pantomime and the placement of objects to convey concepts." [posted: Mar 04, 2004]

Victor Ehikhamenor

"Victor was born in Edo State, Nigeria; a place rich in folkloric tradition and materials. As a young boy, he was privileged to witness many festivals that were highly spiritual; these now form the pillars and bedrock of his creativity." Victor currently lives in the United States. [hint: on his web site, click the dots below the first works in each gallery] [posted: Mar 04, 2004]

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